Analysis of adult intoxication cases treated in ICU: A sample from Adıyaman Region of Turkey

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Mehmet Duran
Oznur Uludag
Nureddin Yuzkat


Objective: We determined the patient profile and aim to look into the distribution of age and sex, intoxication route, the duration of the stay in ICU and prognosis of the cases we accepted to our ICU presenting with intoxication.

Material and Methods: Before the research, approval was granted by the Ethical Committee. 259 intoxication patients, accepted and treated in the ICU of Adıyaman University Hospital between the dates of 2012-2014, were included in the research.

Results: Total of 259 as 83 male, 176 female patients were examined. 75.7% of the cases were below age of 30. 92% of the cases received in ICU were suicidal and 8% of them were accidental intoxication cases. When the causes were observed, 85.7% of the cases were intoxicated by drug intake. Most frequently used drugs were antidepressants (43.6%). The mean number of the days in intensive care unit was 2.02 days.

Conclusion: As a result, most of the intoxication cases in intensive care unit were made up by young age cases who received antidepressants with suicidal intentions. Acute drug intoxications have better response to intensive care treatments and shorter duration of stays while non-pharmacological intoxications have longer duration of stays.


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How to Cite
Duran, M. ., Uludag, O. ., & Yuzkat, N. . (2016). Analysis of adult intoxication cases treated in ICU: A sample from Adıyaman Region of Turkey. Medical Science and Discovery, 3(2), 71–75. Retrieved from
Research Article


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As a result, most of the intoxication cases in intensive care unit were made up by young age female cases who received antidepressants with suicidal intentions. Acute drug intoxications have better response to intensive care treatments and shorter duration of stays while non-pharmacological intoxications have longer duration of stays. By the reason of easy access to drugs, we consider that they are open to abuse and some precautions are needed to be taken.

Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

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