Comparison of the effects of sagittal versus transvers 25-gauge quincke needle insertion on post-dural puncture headache development

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Mehmet Tercan
Tuğba Bingöl Tanrıverdi
Gülçin Patmano
Ahmet Atlas
Ahmet Kaya
Ayşe Güsün Halitoğlu


Objective: Post-dural puncture headache (PDPH) is one of the most important complications after spinal anesthesia. This study aimed to investigate the effect of the sagittal or transverse application of 25-gauge Quincke spinal needle on PDPH development in patients undergoing cesarean section.

Material and Methods: A total of 295 patients with a planned cesarean section between the ages of 18-40 years with an American Society of Anesthesiologists score of 1 or 2 were included in the study. For the spinal intervention, 25-gauge Quincke spinal needle was used in all patients. Patients were included in one of two groups according to the spinal needle cutting direction of the dura mater fibers as sagittal (parallel to dura mater fibers, Group S; n=145) or transverse group (perpendicular to dura mater fibers, Group T; n=150).

Results: PDPH developed in 27 (9.2%) patients. Patients in Group T had significant higher ratio of PDPH compared to patients in Group S (16% vs. 2.1%, p<0.001). Additionally, patients with PDPH had a significantly higher frequency of ≥2 spinal puncture attempts compared to patients without PDPH (22.2% vs. 4.5%, p=0.003). Multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that transverse needle direction (OR: 11.40, 95% CI: 2.73-34.71; p<0.001) and ≥2 spinal puncture attempts (OR: 9.73, 95% CI: 3.13-41.55; p<0.001) and were independent predictors for PDPH development.

Conclusion: Transverse insertion of the 25-gauge Quincke needle into spinal cord fibers and repeated interventions are independently associated with the development of PDPH in cesarean section patients undergoing spinal anesthesia


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How to Cite
Tercan, M., Tanrıverdi, T. B., Patmano, G., Atlas, A., Kaya, A., & Halitoğlu, A. G. . (2020). Comparison of the effects of sagittal versus transvers 25-gauge quincke needle insertion on post-dural puncture headache development. Medical Science and Discovery, 7(7), 554–559.
Research Article
Received 2020-06-24
Accepted 2020-07-10
Published 2020-07-16


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